We attempt to move away from a focus on psychopathology and rather throw more light on the path to health. This site is designed to help you get quality advice on a wide range of physical and psychological health and wellness topics. It promotes the idea of creating broad based health throughout your life, and acknowledges that in order to maximise happiness and reduce stress both your physical and psychological wellbeing need to be encouraged.
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Our articles and tools cover a wide range of health-based topics.
This site is and always will be a work in progress as it is created by a human being (me) in order to help fellow human beings (you) achieve on-going, dynamic growth and happiness.
Our pharmacies are littered with vitamins, minerals and supplements and to derive any benefit requires knowledge on which of their actual efficacy.
Almost half the world will experience a psychological illness!
Early identification and correct treatment can radically improve quality of life.
Ever wondered if you or your loved one has an addiction and what to do? This will help you assess and aid someone with a chemical or behavioural addiction.
Romantic relationships are an essential part of being human!
Relationship skills enable us to derive true meaning and fulfilment from these relationships.
We all know a healthy diet is vital for our health and yet could use some help in wading through the disagreements on what healthy eating actually looks like.
We live in a generation of chronic illness, and without help it can be frustrating and time consuming to learn how to manage our illness effectively.
When last did you feel stressed? Stress relief skills enable us to minimize the negative impact of stress on our lives and maximize our freedom and happiness.
The busier our day is the more vital exercise is for our psychological and physiological health, and so we look for guidelines on how to exercise as efficiently as possible.
Most of us will experience a trauma, abuse or bereavement during the course of our lives, and the correct coping skills make a significant difference in our recovery.
Psychological wellness and happiness differs from the absence of illness or unhappiness. This journey begins with guidelines to direct our own life!
We spend a significant percentage of our lives working and owe it to ourselves to derive as much meaning, happiness and rewards from our daily endeavour.
We have some free online assessment tools and calculators for you to explore to help establish which areas of your life you may want to focus on first.
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There are over 100 articles and tools on this site! Explore all the articles by topic above, select from one of the popular ones below, or you can search for something specific.
How To Relieve Stress
What Is Stress? Stress is a normal physiological response to a real or imagined danger. A danger can be a risk of...
Health and Wellness in the Workplace
This section will discuss health and wellness in the workplace. Being happy and focused in our chosen career paths is...
Boredom At Work
This blog examines the two dimensions of boredom and takes a brief look at the current research into boredom. We...
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19, or Corona VIrus Disease 2019 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. The COVID-19 virus (or...
Have you experienced Trauma, Abuse or Bereavement?
Trauma, abuse and bereavement are separate areas that all overlap strongly with each other. They are all really forms...
Health And Wellness Blog
Do we really need another health and wellness blog? The need for an accurate and useful healthy lifestyle program and health care plan is undisputed.
Do you Exercise Enough?
Do you exercise? Read more about the benefits: exercise increases life expectancy, quality of life and mental health.
Replacing Dieting with Healthy Lifestyle change!
As mentioned before, the literature on weight loss in general and the low carb diet debate, in particular, is somewhat...
Genes Help Determine How Little Exercise You Need
This article on genetic determination of exercise requirements is slightly more research based and technical than...
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are psychological disorders where the chief component is anxiety, and where this anxiety is...
Do You or a Loved One have a Psychological Disorder?
Psychological Disorders Are Common Statistics on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders show us that at some time in...
Conflict Management
Conflict Management Styles – Part 1 – the conflict is determined not by what we fight about but by the way that we fight about it.