Tools For Health And Wellness takes the focus away from psychopathology and puts you on the path to better health
It is intended for those of you doing really well in your lives and just looking to tweak one or two things to maximise this amazing life experience. Equally, it has been created for those of you who are currently struggling and are looking for more in-depth help with particular issues.
These cognitive, behavioural, physiological and emotional coping skills will enable you to convert areas of dissatisfaction in your life into meaningful and self-nurturing lifestyle changes.
With all that in mind, I am here to help you become healthier through rejuvenating and balancing your mind and body by:
The articles are all grouped by topic, making it easier for you to explore articles related to the area of your life you are looking to explore and improve or just to better understand.
Life Can Be Tough And The Manuals Confusing And Outdated!
Have you been struggling with a level of underlying anxiety or sadness that detracts from your life? Spent a fortune on years of therapy but all that self-growth doesn’t seem to translate into less stress? Been diagnosed with a chronic illness? Tired of reliving the same old destructive patterns in relationships time after time? Or finding that you are developing several odd physical or physiological symptoms that are medically ‘cured’ but appear to regularly rinse and repeat?
You might be struggling to find enough hours in the day, or to shake off those extra pounds before summer. Or possibly noticed that you have been going a little heavy on the booze and your partner is beginning to complain.
Then again it could be that you are one of the many out there who are in a relationship or work situation where you are being subjected to abuse but are struggling to find a way out.
If any of these questions sound like your current situation then there is at least one article in that specific category that might speak to you…
Relationship skills enable us to derive true meaning and fulfilment from these relationships.
Read the articles
Replacing Dieting with Healthy Lifestyle change!
As mentioned before, the literature on weight loss in general and the low carb diet debate, in particular, is somewhat...
Genes Help Determine How Little Exercise You Need
This article on genetic determination of exercise requirements is slightly more research based and technical than...
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are psychological disorders where the chief component is anxiety, and where this anxiety is...
Do You or a Loved One have a Psychological Disorder?
Psychological Disorders Are Common Statistics on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders show us that at some time in...
Conflict Management
Conflict Management Styles – Part 1 – the conflict is determined not by what we fight about but by the way that we fight about it.
Methamphetamine is commonly known as speed, meth and chalk. In its smoked form it is often referred to as ice, crystal, crank and glass, and in South Africa as tik.
How anxious are you?
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A): This tool helps you to measure your anxiety levels and gauges how anxious you are. People with high anxiety might often benefit from seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Rating Scale for adults
Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale: This assessment helps adults to diagnose ADHD in themselves based on symptoms that they experienced as a child.
Sleepiness Scale
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: This tool uses your degree of sleepiness in different circumstances in order to measure your risk of having a sleep disorder.
“Tools for Health and Wellness is my personal project and I am particularly enthusiastic about it! It attempts to move away from a focus on psychopathology and rather throw more light on the path to health.”
Emile du Toit, Clinical Psychologist