How are anxious are you? 

Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A): Assessment of anxiety levels.

Woman jogging

This tool helps you to measure your anxiety levels and provides feedback as to how anxious you are. People with high anxiety might often benefit from seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist, and practice coping skills such as meditation or increased exercise.

Disclaimer: Please note that none of these wellness tools or assessments are designed to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. ALWAYS consult with the correct healthcare practitioner before taking new supplements or medications, and before making any lifestyle changes such as alterations to your diet or exercise schedule. There is no substitute for one-on-one consultations with qualified healthcare practitioners. If any action is considered based on these tools it should be merely to help you decide to take the necessary step to contact your doctor or another healthcare practitioner in order to get an accurate diagnosis and/or treatment plan.



Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Rating Scale for adults

Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale: This assessment helps adults to diagnose ADHD in themselves based on symptoms that they experienced as a child.

Sleepiness Scale

Epworth Sleepiness Scale: This tool uses your degree of sleepiness in different circumstances in order to measure your risk of having a sleep disorder.

Bipolar Mood Disorder Questionnaire

Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ): This tool helps you to assess your risk of having Bipolar Mood Disorder.